Binders Full of Women

17 Oct

I am not going to get political in this blog post, but I just couldn’t help but mention the “binders full of women” sound bite that has gone absolutely viral across the internet. Before the presidential debate had concluded, there was already a Facebook page and a Tumblr dedicated to this little phrase. This one is my favorite:


Love me some Beyonce.

I watched the debate all by my lonesome, which was probably for the better because nobody was subjected to all of my added commentary. While I was watching the testosterone-fest, because let’s be honest, that’s what it was, I had a yummy plate of rice and veggies, with some leftover chicken from my house dinner on Sunday night.


I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some staples to tide me over until Friday, but neglected to read the label on the vegetables that said they came in an “Asian-style sauce”. Needless to say, I was a bit surprised when I poured the steamed vegetables onto my rice. I’m generally not a fan of store-made sauces because they almost always have too much sodium and sugar in them – but I wasn’t about to throw away a perfectly edible batch of vegetables. The sauce ended up being okay, though the flavors didn’t mix too well with the pesto and ricotta in my chicken. Ah well, you live and you learn.

Remember the tea I was raving about yesterday? It is making my mornings at work so great. I left the tin at my desk so I have something to look forward to when I get to work in the morning.

There were some oatmeal raisin cookies in the kitchen and the perfect addition to the cinnamon-y tea. My mornings are so cozy now! I get to work, make my mug of tea and read the blogs on Google Reader, scan the news for interesting articles, then get going on work. If I have a lull in the morning, I take the time to get a blog post up!

I’ve got lots on my plate today at work, so I have to sign off now, but I hope everybody has a happy hump day! Halfway there, guys 🙂

Food For Thought: Do you have a morning routine at work that makes you feel settled in and ready to go for the day?


One Response to “Binders Full of Women”

  1. Aunt Rebecca October 17, 2012 at 11:02 am #


Your turn to share!